Technology Networking
ESCWA is committed to creating a region-wide networking and partnerships platform with public and private-sector stakeholders to foster science, technology and innovation (STI) in the region. Tools being mobilized include the promotion of technology transfer, and science diplomacy and technology matchmaking.
ESCWA will also advocate for member LDCs to benefit from the United Nations Technology Bank for LDCs that will be based in Turkey. The bank is seen as a mechanism to help LDCs to build a robust STI base by improving their access to and use of technology.
The ESCWA Technology Centre runs a project to foster innovation through dynamic policies and the creation of national technology transfer offices linked to universities and research institutions and designed to facilitate partnerships with local industry, government and multinational corporations seeking local partnerships. ESCWA intends to establish such offices in member States that request them.
- Tunisia: National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- Morocco: National Centre for Scientific Research and Technology (CNRST)
- Egypt: Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT)
- Lebanon:The National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- Oman: The Research Council (RC)