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Innovation for Development

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Innovation Ecosystem

ESCWA is keen to help member countries to enhance the ecosystem of the knowledge-based economy and information society and to promote innovation and the use of modern technologies. Innovation and technology transfer affect all areas of the economy. A prosperous, vibrant, inclusive and sustainable economy needs the infrastructure and flow of information through the digital economy and information society. Innovation is crucial for public sector reform and improving government services, and can empower youth and stimulate entrepreneurship.

Digital Arabic content

Digital Arabic content is a key to putting into practice the conclusions of the World Summit on the Information Society, overcoming the language barrier, and improving access to ICTs. ESCWA has been promoting digital Arabic content since 2003, for instance by encouraging DAC startups at business incubators in selected member countries. Partner business incubators have been enablers of innovation and a nurturing environment in which ideas can be developed into marketable products. They also allow entrepreneurs to plug into investor networks. For details on the DAC activities of ESCWA, please go to