تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

الدليل العربي لإحصاءات نوع الجنس

The catalogue is a compilation of gender statistics related activities and outputs implemented by the Arab countries and the Statistics Division at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). The catalogue aims to promote good practices in compiling and disseminating gender statistics. It also gives incentives to countries to exert further effort towards improving gender statistics at the national level.

The catalogue serves as a strategic tool for ESCWA. It provides ESCWA with valuable information on the development stage of gender statistics at the country and regional levels. This information serves in the design of technical assistance missions to countries and the development and implementation of ESCWA Gender Statistical Programme (GSP) in the Arab region. Country pages include information on the National Statistical Office and national gender focal points and information on national gender program, and related institutional and legal frameworks. It also provides a list of activities and outputs categorized as follows:


  • Gender Statistics Publications: Statistical publications that highlight in comparative analysis the situation of women and men in a country.
  • Gender-focused publications: Analytical publications that focus on gender issues in different sectors such as women and men in economy, women in decision making, women in education etc.
  • Handbooks: Methodological publications that provide users with guidelines on collection and compilation of gender statistics.
  • Related Reports on Women: Reports published by women machinery or other institutes relating to women status with statistical information in relation to the Beijing Platform of Action and Convention on the Elimination of Women, etc..


Gender related surveys and specialized modules to measure gender issues such as Time Use Statistics, Violence against Women, and Health of women in life-cycle etc.

Databases & Web

  • Gender Databases: Gender databases compiled specifically on women and men, girls and boys, in different socio-economic areas.
  • Gender Websites: Women Machinery or National Statistical Offices disseminating national gender-related statistics, activities and outputs.


Workshops, meetings and conferences to sensitize national users on gender issues, to train statisticians, to educate, promote and discuss areas of concern in the region.


Promotional material like wall charts, flyers, videos, etc… Advocating the concerns and priority issues of a country through gender statistics.Country pages include information on the National Statistical Office and national gender focal points and information on national gender program, and related institutional and legal frameworks.

Algeria Bahrain Comoros Djibouti  Egypt 
Iraq Jordan Kuwait  Lebanon Libya
Mauritania  Morocco Oman Palestine Qatar
Saudi Arabia  Somalia Sudan Syria  Tunisia
United Arab Emirates Yemen