Publication Cover | Title |
Promoting Social Justice in the Arab Region through Capacity Building Interventions, Social Development Bulletin, Vol.7, No.3 E/ESCWA/SDD/2019/INF.7 This bulletin explores the connection between innovative capacity building and the ability of stakeholders to implement the SDGs. It details the capacity building work undertaken by ESCWA’s... |
Manual for Building Capacities in Developing Social Protection Policies based on a Participatory Approach E/ESCWA/SDD/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.9 The manual for building capacities in developing social protection policies based on a participatory approach is produced as part of ESCWA’s efforts aimed at strengthening... |
What Remains of the Arab Spring? Challenges Impeding the Achievement of Social Justice in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/SDD/2015/3 Five years after the popular uprisings that swept the Arab region, this report analyses the consequences of the Arab Spring, by focusing on three cases studies, namely Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco... |
Emerging Channels of Public Participation after the Arab Uprisings, policy brief, No. 3 E/ESCWA/SDD/2014/Brief.3 Governments and civil societies play vital and interconnected roles in facilitating the participation of citizens and their productive engagement in post-uprising political environments. This... |
Arab Integration: A 21st Century Development Imperative E/ESCWA/OES/2013/3 Around the world, even the greatest powers have opted to be part of larger regional entities in order to manage globalization and the competition it brings. Meanwhile, Arab countries which share... |
Report of the Fifth ESCWA Electronic Forum on Participation and Consensus-building, 4 July to 30 September 2013 E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/Technical Paper.8 This forum allowed many activists and experts from different Arab countries to present their views and experiences in the field of participation. It also focused on identifying opportunities for... |
Information Kit - Effective Indicators to Measure Public Civic Participation E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/Technical Paper.6 Civic participation was a key demand of Arab citizens who took to the streets demanding to be heard. Young and old, rich and poor, they came together as active citizens to express their... |
Participation and Civic Engagement Policy Brief Series: Policy Brief One Participation And Transitional Justice E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/Technical Paper.5 This policy brief discusses the central role of civic engagement and civil society in forging transitional justice mechanisms. Using international case studies, it outlines the general instruments... |
Social justice and participation: Policy brief E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/Technical Paper.12 This brief lays out the definition and principles of social justice and discusses relevant global examples of effective mechanisms and tools to achieve a just society, based on the premise that... |
Promises of Spring: Citizenship and Civic Engagement in Democratic Transitions E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/3 This publication offers a critical analysis of the Arab uprisings, their possible triggers and potential trajectories. It considers citizenship as an essential factor not only in the struggle... |
Promoting Participatory Democracy in the ESCWA Region E/ESCWA/SDD/2012/Technical Paper.2 The Arab region is aware today that the path to democracy is long because of the upheavals that changed their political landscape and led to gross violations of human rights, lack of rule of law... |
Report on the Electronic Fora as part of the Portal “Towards an Inclusive Participatory Development in the ESCWA region” E/ESCWA/SDD/2010/Technical Paper.10 The ESCWA launched a portal called “Towards an inclusive Participatory Development in the ESCWA region”, to promote the participation of civil society and the exchange of ideas and experiences and... |
Comparative Analysis of Civil Society Participation in Public Policy Formulation in Selected Arab Countries E/ESCWA/SDD/2010/1 In the past decade, civil society organizations in the Arab region have achieved significant improvements in performance and capacity to request change with respect to certain issues. However,... |