Publication Cover | Title |
Big Data for Good: Can Big Data Illustrate the Challenges Facing Syrian Refugees in Lebanon? E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.7 Non-traditional data sources ought to be considered for supporting policymaking. In addition to official statistics or traditional data sources, the non-traditional data used in this project are... |
Open Government Open Data Toolkit E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2021/MANUAL.2 The open data toolkit is a brief guide for initiating, planning, implementing, and evaluating open data programmes in the Arab region. It includes five sections, covering planning and management... |
Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2020 E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/TP.17 GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the... |
Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2019 E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/TP.3 GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the... |
Technology for Development Bulletin in the Arab Region 2019 E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/4 The first section is devoted to new technologies. The role of open data and big data within open government perspective is addressed to highlight its potential opportunities and impact on socio-... |
Capacity development material on open data E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/TP.1 The report offers practical guidelines on how to initiate and manage open government data programmes, and it is targeting public sector employees in the Arab countries. The data we create, and... |
Impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution on Development in Arab countries E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/3 This study contextualizes the discussions around the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to the Arab countries. For more than two decades, ESCWA identified Biotechnologies and advanced... |
Arab Horizon 2030: Innovation Perspectives for achieving SDGs in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/2 The publication explores innovation approaches and technological trends that bolster inclusive sustainable development and the achievement of SDGs in the Arab region by: ...Arabic (4.86 MB) English (4.85 MB) |
Technology for Development Bulletin in the Arab Region 2018 E/ESCWA/TDD/2019/1 This publication aims to present the main global trends in technology and their impact on government work, integration and transformation, in addition to Internet neutrality. It also addresses... |
Capacity Development Material on Participation, Collaboration and Engagement E/ESCWA/TDD/2018/TP.3 This report expands on framework developed by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia for fostering open government in the Arab region prepared in the context of project entitled... |
Fostering Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/TDD/2018/TP.2 This report explores the intersection of MSMEs, innovation and technology against the background of the Sustainable Development Goals. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) targets the... |
Fostering Open Government in the Arab region E/ESCWA/TDD/2018/TP.1 |
Fostering Open Government in the Arab region E/ESCWA/TDD/2018/INF.1 Open government refers to a government which is effective and efficient in the performance of its duties, transparent in and accountable for its actions, accessible to all through its services,... |
The Innovation Landscape in Arab Countries: A Critical Analysis E/ESCWA/TDD/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.1 The present study proposes a framework for analysing the innovation landscape in Arab countries, which relies on the innovation policy framework described in an ESCWA study entitled “Innovation... |
Innovation Policy for Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/TDD/2017/1 The aim of this study is to provide decision-makers in Arab countries with a framework for the formulation of policies for economic growth and achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable... |
Report: Expert group meeting on investment, research, development and innovation in the ICT sector Hammamet, 7-8 May 2013 E/ESCWA/TDD/2014/WG.1/Report Arabic (146.33 KB) English (146.33 KB) |
Networking Research, Development and Innovation in Arab Countries E/ESCWA/SDPD/2005/2 Innovation is central to the development of successful economies. This study is intended to encourage research, development and innovation (RDI) networking in Arab countries. RDI networks that are... |