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Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries 2006-2012, No. 8 Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries 2006-2012, No. 8


The Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries 2006-2012 provides detailed industrial data on Arab countries for users of this type of statistics, such as policymakers, analysts and...

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Training manual on methodologies for data collection on energy use by the transport sector


The purpose of the manual is to provide a starting point for those in government bodies responsible for planning surveys; create a common understanding of terms and concepts; establish a common...

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National accounts studies of the Arab region, No. 34 cover National accounts studies of the Arab region, No. 34


Issue No. 34 of the National Accounts Studies of the Arab Region includes available data and estimates made by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) of GDP at both...

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ESCWA Annual Report 2014


As the United Nations enters its seventieth year, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) embarks on its fifth decade of work in the Arab region. Our role at...

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Competition and Regulation in the Arab Region, Economic Governance Series 2015


Competition policy and regulation are essential components of economic systems at the national, regional and global levels. In Arab countries, however, heavily concentrated and inefficient...

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Survey of Economic and Social Development in the Arab Region 2014-2015


Over the past few years, the Arab region has witnessed various events and developments, including political and social crises, armed conflict and a sharp drop in the global price of oil...

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Identifying the Legislative Gaps that Need to Be Filled for the Application of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security in Selected Arab States cover Identifying the Legislative Gaps that Need to Be Filled for the Application of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security in Selected Arab States

E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.8

The study concluded that issues pertaining to women, peace, and security were addressed through a legislative framework in the examined countries. Nevertheless, this framework lacked key...

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Women's rights and gender equality for sustainable development: Discussing the proposed sustainable development goals within the context of development in the Arab region, 2015 cover Women's rights and gender equality for sustainable development: Discussing the proposed sustainable development goals within the context of development in the Arab region, 2015

E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.3

This report reviews the situation of women’s rights and gender equality in Arab countries, and discusses the links between sustainable development, economic growth and inequalities from a gender...

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The Arab Consolidated Report on Progress Achieved in the implementation of the BPFA: Beijing +20 cover (Araic) The Arab Consolidated Report on Progress Achieved in the implementation of the BPFA: Beijing +20

E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.1

The report reviews progress achieved in the Arab region in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, twenty years after their adoption at the Fourth World Conference...

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Child Marriage in Humanitarian Settings in the Arab Region


While sexual violence, food insecurity and lack of access to adequate health services have been identified as the most pressing areas of concern among female displaced populations in the Arab...

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Access to Justice for Women and Girls in the Arab Region: From Ratification to Implementation of International Instruments


Access to justice is not only a right in and of itself, applicable in all contexts and for all people; it is a requisite for the achievement of equality and human rights. Yet Arab women face...

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Report: Expert group meeting on investment, research, development and innovation in the ICT sector Hammamet, 7-8 May 2013


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Report: National Training Workshop on the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in the Implementation of Renewable Energy Projects in Rural Areas, Amman, 3-4 June 2014


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Building Capacities in Developing Appropriate Green Technologies for Improving the Livelihood of Rural Communities in the ESCWA Region


  This project addresses the obstacles faced by rural communities in the Arab region in accessing modern energy services. It is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Arab countries to mainstream...

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Participation and social protection in the Arab Region

E/ESCWA/SDD/2014/Technical Paper.7

The paper introduces social protection as a basic human right enshrined in international declarations and conventions. It also provides a brief overview of social protection provision in the Arab...

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Social Development Bulletin: Persons with Disabilities in Emergencies Vol. 5, Issue No. 1 cover Social Development Bulletin: Persons with Disabilities in Emergencies Vol. 5, Issue No. 1


Persons with disabilities are among the most vulnerable in humanitarian crises. They are often left behind when people flee, and face significant barriers in accessing humanitarian assistance and...

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Promoting the Empowerment of Marginalized Social Groups in the Arab Region cover Promoting the Empowerment of Marginalized Social Groups in the Arab Region


This pamphlet examines key issues related to the empowerment of three marginalized social groups in the Arab region, namely youth, older people and persons with disabilities, with a view to...

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Reaping the Rewards of Demographic Transitions: Investing in Arab Youth, Social Policy Brief, No. 7 cover Reaping the Rewards of Demographic Transitions: Investing in Arab Youth, Social Policy Brief, No. 7


This policy brief focuses on the urgency of investing in youth development in order to reap the rewards of the demographic dividend in many Arab countries. It discusses the tools and policy...

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Social and solidarity economy as a tool for social justice, policy brief, No.4 cover Social and solidarity economy as a tool for social justice, policy brief, No.4


This brief aims at building the capacity of member States to adopt social policies and institutional mechanisms for equitable and inclusive socioeconomic development. It defines the concept of...

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Emerging Channels of Public Participation after the Arab Uprisings, policy brief, No. 3 cover Emerging Channels of Public Participation after the Arab Uprisings, policy brief, No. 3


Governments and civil societies play vital and interconnected roles in facilitating the participation of citizens and their productive engagement in post-uprising political environments. This...

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