Agenda 2030
Publication Cover | Title |
Social Protection Reform in Arab Countries E/ESCWA/SDD/2019/1 Social protection systems, their design and their extent, are shaping social cohesion, social justice, the structure of the labour market, the prevention and alleviation of poverty, as well as... |
External Trade Bulletin of the Arab Region, No. 27 E/ESCWA/SD/2019/3 This Bulletin presents data and statistical indicators on external and intraregional trade in goods in ESCWA member countries. Data are presented in time series until 2017, and were drawn... |
National Accounts Studies of the Arab Region, No. 37 E/ESCWA/SD/2019/1 Issue 37 of the National Accounts Studies of the Arab Region includes available data and estimates by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) of gross domestic product (GDP)... |
ESCWA Annual Report 2018 E/ESCWA/OES/2019/1 The 2018 Annual Report provides an overview of key efforts by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to support global, regional and national efforts towards a more stable... |
Egypt From stabilization to a knowledge-based economy A computable general equilibrium modelling approach E/ESCWA/EDID/2019/WP.2 The paper has two main objectives. First, it provides an overview of the Egypt’s main macroeconomic and social indicators, highlighting the impact of economic reforms implemented since 2016 and... |
Socioeconomic Impacts of Macroeconomic Reform Policies in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/EDID/2019/TP.1 The technical paper aims to test that hypothesis by evaluating Tunisia and Egypt’s experiences with neoliberal adjustment against the SDGs. The UNESCWA expert group meeting Towards... |
Rethinking Inequality in Arab Countries E/ESCWA/EDID/2019/2 The Rethinking Inequality in Arab States report fills knowledge gaps about inequality in the Arab region, using a multidimensional approach that focuses on non-income dimensions: Health,... |
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2018-2019 E/ESCWA/EDID/2019/1 The Survey 2018-2019 observes that the Arab region experienced an economic recovery with a growth rate of 2.3% in 2018, up from 1.7% the year before. This recovery was largely attributed... |
Guidelines for Mainstreaming Gender Equality in Voluntary National Reviews E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/TP.1 This guide aims to support stakeholders in mainstreaming gender equality and women’s rights in Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress made in the implementation of agenda 2030 and the... |
Technology as a tool to make cities safe and combat violence against women E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/Brief.1 The Arab region is witnessing an unprecedented urbanization boom accompanied by diverse challenges including sexual violence and harassment of women in public spaces. This challenge is an... |
Cultivating Resilient Institutions in the Arab Region: National Women’s Machineries in Challenging Times E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/4 The present study examines how national women’s machineries in the Arab region cultivate resilience to continue operating and delivering during conflict, occupation and formal political... |
Women in the Judiciary in the Arab States: Removing Barriers, Increasing Numbers E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/2 Women’s right to participate fully and equally in all aspects of public life, including the judiciary, is a fundamental human right. There is a large body of evidence that women’s presence in the... |
Beyond Boundaries: Utilizing Protection Orders to Cultivate a Holistic Response to Domestic Violence in The Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/1 The study documents and analyses domestic violence protection order legislation in the Arab region through the lens of international frameworks and good practice with the aim of having Arab... |
Women in the Judiciary in the State of Palestine E/ESCWA/ECW/2018/TP.1 The presence of women in the judiciary in the State of Palestine has increased over the past years, with women now comprising almost 18 per cent of Palestinian judges. The State of Palestine is... |
Social Expenditure Monitor for Arab States: A Tool to Support Budgeting and Fiscal Policy Reform E/ESCWA/EC.6/2019/8/Rev.1 Targeting public expenditure in line with social development priorities and macro-fiscal sustainability remains a challenge for most Governments in the Arab region. Budget allocations that... |
Fostering Open Government in the Arab region E/ESCWA/TDD/2018/INF.1 Open government refers to a government which is effective and efficient in the performance of its duties, transparent in and accountable for its actions, accessible to all through its services,... |
Disability in the Arab Region 2018 E/ESCWA/SDD/2018/1 This report presents and analyses statistics relating to the demographic characteristics and socio-economic situation of persons with disabilities in the Arab region. It is based on data from... |
Social Development Report 2: Inequality, Autonomy and Change in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/SDD/2017/6 This report examines how inequality and personal autonomy are likely to impact on the broad “political settlement “in the Arab region overtime. Chapter one provides a historical overview of the... |
Assessing Arab Economic Integration: Trade in Services as a Driver of Growth and Development E/ESCWA/EDID/2017/6 Economic integration is an important means to generate income and employment, to boost investment and to spur structural transformation toward more diversified and broad-based economic models.... |
Arab Governance Report III: Institutional Development in Post-conflict Settings E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/4 The third edition of the Arab Governance Report introduces post-war best practices from international and regional experiences. It suggests strategies and policies for Libya and Yemen that focus... |