Agenda 2030
Publication Cover | Title |
Policy Brief Employing a gendered approach to transitional justice in the Arab region: Potential role of national women’s machineries E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/BRIEF.3 The policy brief introduces the concept of ‘transitional justice’ and its key mechanisms that may influence post-conflict reconstruction or political transition. It argues that gendered concerns... |
Shelters for Women Survivors of Violence: Availability and Accessibility in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/5 The “Shelters for Women Survivors of Violence: Availability and Accessibility in the Arab Region” was completed in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Arab States Regional... |
Information and Communication Technologies: Prospects for Promoting Gender Equality in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2019/3 The present report examines how information and communication technology (ICT) can be used as a means of implementation to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5, and... |
The Impact of Conflict on Child Marriage and Adolescent Fertility E/ESCWA/ECRI/2019/2 It is universally agreed that child marriage is a core development and human rights issue, as it hinders the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable... |
Trends and Impacts in Conflict Settings, No. 6: Developing a Risk-Assessment Framework for the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECRI/2019/1 The Arab region is undergoing profound transformations due to social, economic, and governance factors, as well as from violent conflict, humanitarian crisis, and political instability. The... |
The Sustainable Development Goals in an Arab Region Affected by Conflict: Monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals with Household Survey Microdata E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/3 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development stresses the importance of quality, accessible, timely and reliable disaggregated data to measure progress and to ensure that no one is left behind.... |
The Impact of Conflict from Childhood to Adulthood Evidence for the Arab Region: Trends and Impacts in Conflict Settings Issue No. 5 E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/2 While the economic and political costs of conflicts are well covered by the literature, their repercussions on human development have not yet been sufficiently discussed. Conflict is a... |
COVID-19, Conflict and Risks in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.6 Years of conflict or occupation have eviscerated Arab conflict affected countries’ social contracts, shattered their economies, amplified their household food insecurity, devastated their health... |
Towards a Common Arab Regional Job Competencies Framework for Senior Public Servants within the Context of Agenda 2030 and Public Policy E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.4 Arab countries are committed to enhancing the effectiveness of their public institutions. They are allocating resources to improve the quality of services provided to citizens. Developing job... |
An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of the Libyan Economy E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.3 The Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project is managed and implemented by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), thanks to a funding by the German Federal... |
An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of the Libyan Society E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.2 The Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project is managed and implemented by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), thanks to a funding by the German Federal... |
An Introductory Study on the Status, Challenges and Prospects of Governance and Institutions in Libya E/ESCWA/CL6.GCP/2020/TP.1 The Libya Socioeconomic Dialogue Project is managed and implemented by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), thanks to a funding by the German Federal... |
Status of Transport Statistics in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/WP.1 The main purpose of this technical paper is to provide an analysis of the responses received in the questionnaire on transport data which was sent to the national statistical offices in the Arab... |
Developing an artificial intelligence strategy: National guide E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/TP.8 Components supporting successful AI strategies from around the world: |
ESCWA's vision on the work modalities for producing, developing and implementing the Arab Information and Communication Technology Strategy (The Arab Digital Agenda) E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/TP.7 This document presents “ESCWA's vision on the work modalities for producing, developing and implementing the Arab Information and Communication Technology Strategy (The Arab Digital Agenda)”. It... |
Arab National Reporting Platforms for the Sustainable Development Goals: Assessment E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/TP.6 SDGs National Reporting Platforms (NRPs) are essential to help member countries to achieve their national development goals and are crucial elements to monitor and report the progress towards... |
Big data readiness assessment National guide E/ESCWA/CL4.SIT/2020/TP.11 With the political and popular positive attitude to desire the latest technologies and seek immediate applications after realizing the role of these technologies in finding solutions to current (... |
Wealth distribution and poverty impact of COVID-19 in Lebanon E/ESCWA/CL3.SEP/2020/TP.8 Lebanon is de facto experiencing the impact of three reinforcing growth shocks: a long-term recession post-Syrian crisis as a result of gradual decline in tourism receipts and private investment... |
National Connectivity Report Jordan 2020 E/ESCWA/CL3.SEP/2020/TP.7 Last decades have witnessed a significant increase in the amount of transport of persons and goods resulting in economic growth and connectivity becoming high on the political agenda of countries... |
Fiscal Multiplier in Egypt E/ESCWA/CL3.SEP/2020/TP.6 This paper includes 3 sections: the first section displays the structure and development of government spending in Egypt. The second section discusses the methodology for measuring the fiscal... |