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Economic Statistics


The Economics Statistics Section (ESS) plays a key role within ESCWA to build statistical capacity in  member states and in providing  and disseminating  timely economic and sectoral statistics and indicators, and national accounts data on ESCWA member countries from national official sources. ESS works closely with the other Divisions in ESCWA and with economic statistics department in the regional and international organizations such as DESA, IMF, the World Bank, OECD, the League of Arab States and others. The main areas of work are:

National Accounts: Contributing to the coordinated development and update of the System of National Accounts (SNA); providing capacity building in the implementing the 2008 SNA; Collecting annual national accounts statistics from ESCWA member countries on GDP aggregates at current and constant prices; GDP growth; Gross value added; Final consumption expenditure, Capital Formation; Publishing the annual “National Accounts Studies of the ESCWA Region, Bulletin” and other related studies and reports.

Trade and Industry Statistics: Compiling and disseminating yearly statistics on external trade including annual trade growth rates, the total values of imports and exports by sections of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS); Intraregional trade on imports and exports and the direction of trade on imports and exports of each member country; Providing capacity building and producing publication on industry statistics. 
Price Statistics and The International Comparison Program (ICP): Engaging in methodological research and review, survey activities and data processing and analysis in the areas of price statistics and national accounts and related fields with a view to estimating purchasing power parities (PPPs) of the ESCWA member countries.
Energy and Environment Statistics: Developing environment statistics including water and waste statistics, air pollution, land cover/land use and biodiversity (see ESIAP website) and applying methodologies for the implementation of the system for environmental economic accounting (SEEA); assisting in energy statistics compilation and preparation of annual energy balance, tracking the flows of all energy products starting from primary sources until their final consumption 
International Economic Classification: Supporting in applying latest international classification such as the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC); The Central Product Classification (CPC), Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP), Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG); and other related classifications.

Transport Statistics: Compile and disseminate transport data annually. Provide support to member countries to strengthen their national statistical systems in the production and dissemination of transport statistics and indicators; Strengthen national, regional and international coordination and collaboration to assist countries to provide high-quality transport data and statistics and to monitor progress in implementing the 2030 UN Agenda. promote the harmonization of national transport statistical practices with international statistical standards, methods and concepts, and explore alternative and complementary data sources the new technologies provide.