National Meeting on Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Development in the Rural Context: The Role of Renewable Energy
In this context, ESCWA is organizing a national meeting on “Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Development in the Rural Context: The Role of Renewable Energy”, to convene key partners, energy entities and local rural communities to: (1) review the findings and outcomes of the country gender assessment study launched in early 2019, (2) discuss the potential benefits of realizing the rights of marginalized groups in rural areas, (3) create synergies between key sectors (energy, water, agricultural, tourism, services, industries, etc.), (4) share experiences and foster learning between stakeholders and participants on the challenges and opportunities facing women empowerment and entrepreneurial development in the energy sector and opportunities that renewable energy could offer, (5) to identify key experts and practitioners to be part of the gender-based advisory network on energy and entrepreneurial skills in rural development at the national and Arab regional level, and (6) formulate actionable recommendations for mainstreaming gender in policy planning, capacity building, and awareness raising for rural areas.
The recommendations of the meeting will serve as the basis for suggesting a gender mainstreaming and human rights strategy and action plans to support policy makers, government and local institutions in operationalizing a gender equality and human rights approach in the energy sector in Arab countries. These elements will serve in developing the capacity building programs and awareness-raising campaigns to be undertaken under REGEND and to be suggested for local/public institutions for follow-up after the project completion to ensure sustainability. The National Meeting’s outcomes will also feed into the process of establishing the gender-based advisory network on energy and entrepreneurial skills in rural development that will support in applying the aforementioned gender mainstreaming and human rights strategy and action plans