مشاريع Demographic and Social Statistics
GENDER STATISTICS PROGRAMME (www.escwa.org.lb/gsp/index.html)
Establishing a Database on the Palestinian Refugees in Camps of Syria and Lebanon
In an effort to strengthen the statistical capacity of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and Natural Resources (PCBSNR) in Damascus, ESCWA was engaged in a project on the establishment of a database on the Palestinians residing in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon. Funds were provided by the Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development Organization (AGFUND). Among the project activities, the Palestinian Central Bureau conducted a comprehensive survey on Palestinians in Syria, a sample of which was obtained to carry out a multi-purpose survey to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of the population. A meeting was held in Syria in November 2002 to present the results and methodologies of the survey. Another survey was also carried out on the mother and children in Palestinian camps of Syria and Lebanon to investigate the prevalence of diseases among the children, their level of vaccination as well as their nutritional status.