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The Arab Consolidated Report on Progress Achieved in the implementation of the BPFA: Beijing +20 cover (Araic) The Arab Consolidated Report on Progress Achieved in the implementation of the BPFA: Beijing +20

E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.1

The report reviews progress achieved in the Arab region in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, twenty years after their adoption at the Fourth World Conference...

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Women and Participation in the Arab Uprisings: A struggle for Justice cover Women and Participation in the Arab Uprisings: A struggle for Justice

E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/Technical Paper.13

This paper explores the gender dimension of the popular movements that have swept Arab countries since the end of 2010. It analyses the different facets of women’s participation before and during...

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ESCWA Annual Report, 2006


The ESCWA Annual Report reviews the activities of the Commission in 2006, which were severely affected by the devastating war of aggression that was unleashed against Lebanon in that year....

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Most comprehensive report to date on women’s participation in political life in Iraq: Challenges and ways to overcome them

Beirut-Baghdad, 1 November 2020--Women's participation in political processes in Iraq is hampered by many obstacles, despite Iraqi women’s determination to...