Publication Cover | Title |
A Standardization Framework to Promote an Enabling Environment for Arabic e-Services E/ESCWA/ICTD/2011/Technical Paper.4 This study focuses on diverse standards used in developing e-services. It starts by mentioning the importance of e-services, and the role of standards in increasing its adoption. Then, it lists... |
Economic Trends and Impacts: Foreign Aid and Development in the Arab Region, Issue No. 4 E/ESCWA/EAD/2007/1 A comprehensive assessment of the relationship between foreign aid and development in the Arab region over the last three decades, this study defines the major trends in development assistance to... |
Multidimensional Poverty Profile: Jordan E/ESCWA/EDID/2018/WP.5 The paper provides in-depth analysis of the prevalence, distribution (geographical and by gender, among other household socio-economic characteristics), and severity of multidimensional poverty... |
National Connectivity Report Jordan 2020 E/ESCWA/CL3.SEP/2020/TP.7 Last decades have witnessed a significant increase in the amount of transport of persons and goods resulting in economic growth and connectivity becoming high on the political agenda of countries... |
Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Labour Markets and Labour Market Policy in the ESCWA Region E/ESCWA/SDD/2011/WG.4/Report Arabic (341.28 KB) English (91.12 KB) |
Evaluating Renewable Manufacturing Potential in the Arab Region – Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates E/ESCWA/SDPD/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.6 The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission of Western Asia (ESCWA) conducted a study on the potential of local manufacturing of... |
Assessment of Renewable Energy Projects through Public-Private Partnerships: Case Studies in Rural Areas of Jordan E/ESCWA/SDPD/2014/Technical Paper.1 The project “Enhancing and Improving Access to Energy Services through Development of PublicPrivate Renewable Energy Partnerships” seeks to build the capacity of governments and other stakeholders... |
Case Study on Policy Reforms to Promote Renewable Energy in Jordan E/ESCWA/SDPD/2017/CP.9 Having scarce natural resources, Jordan’s concerns over energy security and fossil fuel import dependency have intensified due to the political events in recent years. In fact, Jordan currently... |
A study of age reporting in selected Arab censuses of population E/ESCWA/SD/2013/5 A Study of Age Reporting in Selected Arab Censuses of Population is a publication by the Statistics Division of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). It provides... |
Study on Gender Mainstreaming, Social Inclusion, Human Rights Processes and Outcomes of Access to Energy in Targeted Local Communities in Jordan E/ESCWA/CL1.CCS/2020/TP.4 This report was developed within the REGEND (Regional Initiative for Promoting Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region) framework with an assessment to guide... |
Knowledge Hubs of Jordan: The Way Forward E/ESCWA/TDD/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.2 This document reviews regional and global experiences that are of significance to the context of Jordan, and offers suggestions on how to solve the problems and to maximize the return on... |
The Implications of the Commitments of ESCWA Member Countries to Agreements of the World Trade Organization, European Partnership Agreements and the Great Arab Free Trade Area: Case Studies of Egypt and Jordan E/ESCWA/GRID/2005/7 The decision of countries to enter into bilateral or regional trade arrangements is strategic in nature. Building on this fact and taking this perspective, the study aims at reviewing regional... |
Overcoming Population Vulnerability to Water Scarcity in the Arab Region: Population and Development Report Issue No. 7 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a cross-thematic agenda that offers a unique opportunity to approach the issue of water scarcity in an integrated way... |
Review of Information and Communications Technology for Development in Western Asia, Issue No. 8 E/ESCWA/ICTD/2007/16 This issue sheds light on the importance of Information and Communications Technology for Education (ICT4E) and its various dimensions and its anticipated effect on the development of an... |
Technology Transfer to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Identifying Opportunities for Domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in Selected Sectors: The Case of SME Clusters in the Agro-Food and Aprel Industries E/ESCWA/SDPD/2005/6 Given the changing business environment of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries, the need for mechanisms aimed at enhancing technology transfer and at channelling... |