Publication Cover | Title |
Ex-Post Evaluation of Lebanon’s Free Trade Agreements: The Cases of the FTA with the European Union and PAFTA with the Arab Countries E/ESCWA/EDID/2019/WP.13 This study examines the tangible impact of the integration agreements with Arab countries and the European Union on the Lebanese economy, as well as the reasons behind their relatively poor... |
External Trade Bulletin of the Arab Region, No. 27 E/ESCWA/SD/2019/3 This Bulletin presents data and statistical indicators on external and intraregional trade in goods in ESCWA member countries. Data are presented in time series until 2017, and were drawn... |
External Trade Bulletin of the Arab Region, No. 26 E/ESCWA/SD/2018/1 The secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) is pleased to present the twenty-sixth issue of the External Trade Bulletin of the Arab Region. The Bulletin... |
Trade performance and structure profiles: Tunisia E/ESCWA/EDID/2018/TP.8 This profile takes stock of the trade performance and structure of Tunisia since 1995. In addition to aggregate trends in trade and foreign direct investment, a wide range of trade indicators are... |
The State of Financing Development in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/EDID/2018/TP.2 The financing for development (FfD) outlook for the Arab region remains turbulent. The prognosis stems, in no little measure, from a strained socioeconomic fabric that risks being frayed by the... |
Illicit Financial Flows in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/EDID/2018/TP.1 Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are constantly evolving outpacing detection at every corner. IFFs undermine the rule of law, distort macro-economic stability, and raise severe security... |
External Trade Bulletin of the Arab Region, No. 25 E/ESCWA/SD/2017/2 |