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Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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Mechanisms for Community-driven Interactive Arabic Multimedia content Mechanisms for Community-driven Interactive Arabic Multimedia content

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2011/Technical Paper.3

The ESCWA has prepared a guide concerning the implementation and development of e-portals for local communities and the most important requirements for the establishment, sustainability and...

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E-Government Strategies in Arab Countries: Current Status and Development Prospects

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2013/Technical Paper.4

  This document presents the reality of e-government strategies in the Arab countries and the adopted applications and prospects for their development. It also studies the projects undertaken in e...

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Arab Horizon 2030: Digital Technologies for Development cover Arab Horizon 2030: Digital Technologies for Development


The study entitled Arab Horizon 2030: Digital Technologies for Development is a central part of ESCWA efforts to promote radical policy changes towards utilizing digital technologies for...

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Legal aspects of open government and open data cover Legal aspects of open government and open data


Laws and regulations related to access to information and openness are very important for the implementation of open government principles. These laws cover several areas, such as access to...

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Digital Arabic Content Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Arab Region


 The growing interest in DAC is reflected in the activities and programmes carried out by several Governments of Arab countries, such as programmes for digitizing Arab cultural heritage content...

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Regional profile of the information society in western Asia, 2003


This document represents a profile that covers different areas related to the information society, including the components of the enabling environment such as policies, strategies, legal...

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Arab Internet Governance Forum 2012-2015


The Arab IGF is aimed at establishing a mechanism for the implementation of the Arab Regional Roadmap for the Internet Governance, and it provides a platform for dialogue on issues related to the...

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Arab Digital Development Report 2019: Towards Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness cover Arab Digital Development Report 2019: Towards Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness


Linking the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) with sustainable development, this publication addresses the theme of empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness of...

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Study on Technology Transfer, Economic Models and Successes in the Arab Countries

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2012/Technical Paper.1

This study aims to join known economic models and highlight practical methods of technology transfer in key productive sectors such as water, energy, agriculture, ICT, and manufacturing....

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Innovation Policy for Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Arab Region cover Innovation Policy for Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Arab Region


The aim of this study is to provide decision-makers in Arab countries with a framework for the formulation of policies for economic growth and achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...

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The Digital Arabic Content Industry cover The Digital Arabic Content Industry


This document aims at defining the Digital Arabic Content (DAC) and the opportunities that this industry provides. The ESCWA acknowledged the importance of DAC in the field of Information and...

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Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2019 cover (Arabic) Government Electronic and Mobile Services (GEMS) maturity index - 2019


GEMS indicator aims to measure the maturity of government services provided through the portal and through mobile applications in the Arab region. It seeks to bridge the gap in most of the...

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Policy Note: Development and Harmonization of Cyber Legislation in the Arab Region

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2013/Technical Paper.2

  The purpose of this note is to clarify the importance of cyber legislation in building the Arab knowledge society and highlight the ESCWA efforts and activities that aim at developing...

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A Survey on Digital Arabic Content: Software, Applications and Needs Assessment

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2010/Technical Paper.1

This survey was conducted within the framework of the ESCWA project on ICT incubators to support the Arab digital content industry. The document included the results of the survey in the main...

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Perspectives of Digital Economy in the Arab Region cover Perspectives of Digital Economy in the Arab Region


The study aimed to raise awareness on the Digital Economy in the Arab region and its contribution to Sustainable Development. Digital Economy is a concept characterizing a situation where...

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Towards a Legal Framework for Intellectual Property that Promotes Innovation and Creativity in the ESCWA Member Countries

E/ESCWA/ICTD/2012/Technical Paper.2

   This study is divided into three major chapters. The first chapter discusses the call for creating more incentive rules for innovators in the ESCWA countries. In addition, the second chapter...

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Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries Ninth issue cover Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries, No. 9


The Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries 2008-2014 provides detailed and comprehensive industrial data on Arab countries for policymakers, analysts and researchers...

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Industrial Statistics Bulletin for the Arab Countries, Issue 10, Issue 10 cover Industrial Statistics Bulletin for the Arab Countries, Issue 10


The Bulletin is divided into two parts. Part I includes summary tables on overall industrial trends, including levels of output expressed as the value added per capita at constant prices; labor...

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Technology for Development Bulletin in the Arab Region 2018 cover (Arabic) Technology for Development Bulletin in the Arab Region 2018


This publication aims to present the main global trends in technology and their impact on government work, integration and transformation,  in addition to Internet neutrality. It also addresses...

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