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data intrusion detection

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data intrusion detection
The detection of a data intruder through their behaviour. This is most likely to occur through analysis of a pattern of requests submitted to a remote data laboratory. At present this is only a theoretical possibility, but it is likely to become more realistic as more and more uncertain phantom changes are taking place.
Statistics Netherlands, Statistics Canada, Germany FSO, University of Manchester, 2005, Glossary of Statistical Disclosure Control, incorporated in paper presented at Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality, Geneva, 9-11 Octo
اكتشاف اختراق للبيانات
المجال الأحصائي: 
البيانات الوصفية
كشف المتسلل على البيانات من خلال تصرفاته. يرجّح حدوث ذلك على الأغلب عبر تحليل نسق من الطلبات المقدمة إلى مختبر بيانات بعيد. حاليًا، هذا مجرد احتمال نظريّ، لكن يمكن أن يصبح أكثر واقعية إذ باتت تسود التعديلات الوهمية الآمنة أكثر فأكثر.
Statistics Netherlands, Statistics Canada, Germany FSO, University of Manchester, 2005, Glossary of Statistical Disclosure Control, incorporated in paper presented at Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality, Geneva, 9-11 Octo