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Training and Guidelines

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Guide on the Application of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach in the ESCWA Region


This guide promotes the adoption and integration of the Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA) and helps improve and develop the well-being of the population in the ESCWA region. This approach is...

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Administrative Decentralization: Participant’s File

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.4/Add.2

  This document is the participant’s file prepared in the context of the training workshop entitled “Administrative Decentralization”, which included the program of meetings and details on all...

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Administrative Decentralization: Trainer's Guide

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.4/Add.1

 This document is the trainer's guide prepared in the context of the training workshop entitled “Administrative Decentralization”. It contains the agenda and the expected outcomes of each session...

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Strategic Planning in Public Institutions: Participant’s File

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.3/Add.2

The purpose of this training workshop is to introduce participants to the stages of strategic analysis and strategic planning in public institutions allowing their implementation in specific...

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Strategic Planning in Public Institutions: Trainer’s Guide

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.3/Add.1

The purpose of this training workshop is to introduce participants to the steps of strategic analysis and strategic planning in public institutions allowing their implementation in specific...

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Personal and Leadership Skills: Participant’s File

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.2/Add.2

The purpose of this file is to develop social and managerial skills within the framework of a training that includes detailed programs for time management, team building, effective communication...

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International Migration Statistics: Meeting the International Recommendations - ESCWA Training Kit  cover International Migration Statistics: Meeting the International Recommendations - ESCWA Training Kit

E/ESCWA/SD/2009/Technical Paper.3

The kit aims to provide the information necessary to develop and improve statistical systems for migration statistics with regard to the quality, coverage, collection and use of...

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