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ICT Applications and E-Services in the Public Sector



The utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications in the public sector has shown promising results in recent years. Properly selected ICT applications used in the automation of public administration succeed in improving the level of operational efficiency. They promoted better governance as well as set the ground for sound administrative reform. Furthermore, delivering high quality e-services enhances transparency and facilitates access to governmental services and public information, this in turn raises the level of citizens' trust in government and thereby strengthens the role of the public sector in the process of sustainable development.

Within this context, national and regional conferences on the subject have called for the need to utilize ICT applications and provide quality e-services. Most prominently, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) highlighted in its Geneva "Plan of Action", the importance of ICT applications and dedicated action line "C7" for the subject. The action line elaborates eight e-services: e-government, e-business, e-learning, e-health, e-employment, e-environment, e-agriculture and e-science.

The Information and Communication Technology Division at ESCWA is organizing the Expert Group Meeting on ICT Applications and e-Services in the Public Sector during the period of 20-21 July 2009 at the UN House, Beirut, Lebanon. The main objective of the EGM is to discuss the challenges facing the development and adoption of ICT applications and the delivery of e-services in the public sector in terms of resistance to change, limited budgets, and other barriers at the national and regional levels. It also aims at providing a platform for sharing experiences and best practices of selected case studies as well as discussing the requirements for introducing or improving ICT applications and e-services including infrastructure, legal frameworks, and human resources.