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Expert Group Meeting

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Innovation and technology for advancing the knowledge-based economy in the Arab region

The Information Communication Technology (ICT) revolution which began nearly two...
Integration of Economic and Employment Policies in the ESCWA Region


National Accounts and Economic Statistics

The objective of the Expert Group Meeting on National Accounts was to bring together National Accounts experts from all of ESCWA member states, together with ESCWA, UNSD and other regional...

National Agenda for the Future of Syria Programme - EGM on Governance and Democratic Transition

National Agenda for the Future of Syria Programme: EGM on Reconstruction

On a study entitled policies to empower women in the arab region: Combating domestic violence against women and girls


Post Financial Crisis and Potential Exit Strategies : (External Peer Review for the Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region 2009-2010)


Preparatory Expert Group Meeting for a Plan of Action Concerning the Arab Decade for Persons with Disabilities

Promotion of South-South Cooperation in Technology Transfer

ESCWA organized, in cooperation with the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan, an Expert Group Meeting on...
Promotion of South-South Cooperation in Technology Transfer

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division of ESCWA, including the ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC)...

Reduction of Ethno-Sectarian Tensions in Iraq through Non-Formal and Informal Education

Regional Networking and Partnership for Information Society Development

1) Background

Partnerships play an important role in the successful implementation of many projects, including those that contribute towards the development of...
Regional Policy Dialogue on the role of Competition Policy in supporting the economic recovery of MSMEs post COVID-19

 في إطار برامج الإسكوا لتعزيز ...
Sixth RICCAR Expert Group Meeting


ESCWA held the Sixth EGM on the Regional Initiative for the Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources...
Social Exclusion in the ESCWA Region

The EGM is an opportunity to discuss ESCWA's region-specific definition of social exclusion and to review the findings of its...

Social Security in Western Asia: Accessibility and Sustainability

Recent global food, fuel and financial crises have brought social protection coverage back to the centre of the international development debate. Previous global and regional crises...
The Fifth Expert Group Meeting on the Regional Initiative for the Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources and Socio-Economic Vulnerability in the Arab Region (RICCAR)



The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) jointly organized with the League of the...

The Role of the Financial Sector in the Regional Economic Integration


Transport and Trade Facilitation in the ESCWA Region

Among other things, the meeting aims to discuss issues related to trade facilitation including the draft consolidated WTO negotiating text on Trade Facilitation, present and discuss...
UNDA Expert Group Meeting to Review the Draft Modules on Climate Change Adaptation Using IWRM Tools
