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Ministerial Session - Resolutions

Resolution Resolution Number Adoption Date
Requests by Algeria and Somalia for membership of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 336 (S-VI) 21 December 2019
Programme Plan of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia for 2021 335 (S-VI) 21 December 2019
Adoption of the reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 334 (XXX) 28 June 2018
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the strategic framework and programme of work for the biennium 2018-2019 333 (XXX) 28 June 2018
Developing the work of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development 332 (XXX) 28 June 2018
Comprehensive approaches to technical cooperation in response to member States’ emerging needs 331 (XXX) 28 June 2018
Support for the Palestinian people 330 (XXX) 28 June 2018
Establishment of the Arab centre for climate change policies in the Arab region 329 (XXX) 25 June 2018
Technical cooperation to meet the needs and priorities of member States 328 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Working mechanisms of the Arab Forum on Sustainable Development 327 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Justice for the Palestinian people: fifty years of Israeli occupation 326 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the ESCWA programme of work for the biennium 2016-2017 325 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Adoption of the reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 324 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Adoption of the strategic framework for the biennium 2018-2019 323 (XXIX) 15 December 2016
Strategy and plan of action on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development 322 (EC.2) 16 December 2015
Request of Mauritania for Membership of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 322 (S-V) 8 June 2015
Redesignating the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia as the “Economic and Social Commission for Arab States” 321 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Redesignating the Technical Committee as the “Executive Committee” and amending its terms of reference 320 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the programme of work for the biennium 2014-2015 319 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 318 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2016-2017 317 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Support for the Palestinian people 316 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Establishing an intergovernmental committeeon technology for development 315 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
The Arab Forum on Sustainable Development 314 (XXVIII) 18 September 2014
Frequency of sessions of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development in the Countries of the ESCWA Region 313 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Evaluation of the work of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 312 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 311 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015 310 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Adoption of the amendments introduced to the programme of work for the biennium 2012-2013 309 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
The regional dimension of development 308 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Support for the Palestinian people 307 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Development of the Arab Internet Governance Forum process and sustaining efforts in the Arabic domain names field 306 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Sustainable development in the region and follow-up and implementation of the decisions of the Rio+20 Conference 305 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
The role of participation and social justice in achieving sustainable development 304 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Towards enhancing the macroeconomic policy in ESCWA member countries 303 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Requests from Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia to become members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 302 (XXVII) 10 May 2012
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2012-2013 301 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 300 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Adoption of the amendments introduced to the programme of work for the biennium 2010-2011 299 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Social development 298 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Arab MDG monitor for societal progress 297 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Enhancing public sector institutions and resources to attain national development goals 296 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Guiding Declaration of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on giving greater attention to Youth Policies: An Opportunity for Development 295 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Establishment of the ESCWA technology centre 294 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Upgrading the ESCWA Centre for Women to the level of a division and follow-up to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the Arab countries after fifteen years: Beijing + 15 293 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Upgrading the Section for Emerging and Conflict-Related Issues to the level of a division 292 (XXVI) 19 May 2010
Frequency of the sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies 291 (XXV) 29 May 2008
Call for regional action to accelerate implementation of the Monterrey Consensus in Western Asia 290 (XXV) 29 May 2008
Supporting the comprehensive development efforts of Yemen 289 (XXV) 29 May 2008
Establishing an Arabic language centre at ESCWA 288 (XXV) 29 May 2008
