Requests by Algeria and Somalia for membership of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
336 (S-VI) |
21 December 2019 |
Programme Plan of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia for 2021 |
335 (S-VI) |
21 December 2019 |
Adoption of the reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
334 (XXX) |
28 June 2018 |
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the strategic framework and programme of work for the biennium 2018-2019 |
333 (XXX) |
28 June 2018 |
Developing the work of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development |
332 (XXX) |
28 June 2018 |
Comprehensive approaches to technical cooperation in response to member States’ emerging needs |
331 (XXX) |
28 June 2018 |
Support for the Palestinian people |
330 (XXX) |
28 June 2018 |
Establishment of the Arab centre for climate change policies in the Arab region |
329 (XXX) |
25 June 2018 |
Technical cooperation to meet the needs and priorities of member States |
328 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Working mechanisms of the Arab Forum on Sustainable Development |
327 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Justice for the Palestinian people: fifty years of Israeli occupation |
326 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the ESCWA programme of work for the biennium 2016-2017 |
325 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Adoption of the reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
324 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Adoption of the strategic framework for the biennium 2018-2019 |
323 (XXIX) |
15 December 2016 |
Strategy and plan of action on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development |
322 (EC.2) |
16 December 2015 |
Request of Mauritania for Membership of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
322 (S-V) |
8 June 2015 |
Redesignating the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia as the “Economic and Social Commission for Arab States” |
321 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Redesignating the Technical Committee as the “Executive Committee” and amending its terms of reference |
320 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the programme of work for the biennium 2014-2015 |
319 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
318 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2016-2017 |
317 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Support for the Palestinian people |
316 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Establishing an intergovernmental committeeon technology for development |
315 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
The Arab Forum on Sustainable Development |
314 (XXVIII) |
18 September 2014 |
Frequency of sessions of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development
in the Countries of the ESCWA Region |
313 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Evaluation of the work of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
312 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
311 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2014-2015 |
310 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Adoption of the amendments introduced to the programme of work for the biennium 2012-2013 |
309 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
The regional dimension of development |
308 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Support for the Palestinian people |
307 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Development of the Arab Internet Governance Forum process and sustaining efforts in the Arabic domain names field |
306 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Sustainable development in the region and follow-up and implementation of the decisions of the Rio+20 Conference |
305 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
The role of participation and social justice in achieving sustainable development |
304 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Towards enhancing the macroeconomic policy in ESCWA member countries |
303 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Requests from Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia to become members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
302 (XXVII) |
10 May 2012 |
Adoption of the draft strategic framework for the biennium 2012-2013 |
301 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Adoption of session reports of the subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia |
300 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Adoption of the amendments introduced to the programme of work for the biennium 2010-2011 |
299 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Social development |
298 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Arab MDG monitor for societal progress |
297 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Enhancing public sector institutions and resources to attain national development goals |
296 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Guiding Declaration of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on giving greater attention to Youth Policies: An Opportunity for Development |
295 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Establishment of the ESCWA technology centre |
294 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Upgrading the ESCWA Centre for Women to the level of a division and follow-up to the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action
in the Arab countries after fifteen years: Beijing + 15 |
293 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Upgrading the Section for Emerging and Conflict-Related Issues to the level of a division |
292 (XXVI) |
19 May 2010 |
Frequency of the sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies |
291 (XXV) |
29 May 2008 |
Call for regional action to accelerate implementation
of the Monterrey Consensus in Western Asia |
290 (XXV) |
29 May 2008 |
Supporting the comprehensive development efforts of Yemen |
289 (XXV) |
29 May 2008 |
Establishing an Arabic language centre at ESCWA |
288 (XXV) |
29 May 2008 |