Publication Cover | Title |
The Due Diligence Standard, Violence against Women and Protection Orders in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2018/BRIEF.2 As of 2018, six Arab States have implemented stand-alone violence against women laws, with other States having draft legislation underway. Such legislation may outline social, legal and/or... |
Women in the Judiciary: A Stepping Stone towards Gender Justice E/ESCWA/ECW/2018/BRIEF.1 The limited presence of women in the judicial branches of Arab States is attracting increasing attention as an obstacle to the development of representative institutions and the achievement of... |
Policy Brief: Role of Women in Peacebuilding Processes E/ESCWA/ECW/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.5 The policy brief examines the participation of women in peace building processes in several Arab countries. It presents some key arguments supporting women’s participation in peace building... |
Estimating costs of marital violence in the Arab region: Operational Model E/ESCWA/ECW/2017/TECHNICAL PAPER.4 This study presents an economic model to estimate the cost of marital violence in the Arab region. This economic model measures the costs of intimate partner violence by estimating household costs... |
Women’s Political Representation in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2017/3 This study examines the status of women’s representation at several levels of governance, including the legislative, the executive, the judiciary, the public service, and local councils,... |
Women, Peace and Security: The Role of Institutions in Times of Peace and War in the Arab Region E/ESCWA/ECW/2017/1 The present publication explores the women, peace and security agenda, and how the Arab region is responding to it. It discusses the roles of national women’s machineries, national human rights... |
Gender, Climate Change and Conflict: Mutually Reinforcing Impact on Gender Imbalances in the Arab Region, 2016 E/ESCWA/ECW/2016/Technical Paper.2 The present policy brief analyses the impacts of conflict and climate change on gender imbalances in the Arab region. It shows how conflict and climate change fortify one another, creating a... |
Beirut Call for Action: Prioritizing women, peace and security on the Arab agenda E/ESCWA/ECW/2016/PAMPHLET.1 The Beirut Call for Action includes 15 recommendations designed to advance the women, peace and security agenda. They fall under three categories: localize the agenda; promote women’s activism in... |
Training manual to combat gender-based violence in times of peace and war E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.5 The guide is a reference that aims at empowering service providers from official institutions such as the police, the judiciary, the public prosecution, the... |
Security Council resolution 1325 and its complementary resolutions, and the role of parliamentarians in their implementation E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/TECHNICAL PAPER.4 The present guide sets out United Nations resolutions on women, and considers the four pillars of the women, peace and security agenda, namely prevention, protection, participation, and... |
Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region (Beijing +20) E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/3 Against Wind and Tides: A Review of the Status of Women and Gender Equality in the Arab Region (Beijing +20) Although much has been achieved in recent years to advance the... |
Identifying the Legislative Gaps that Need to Be Filled for the Application of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security in Selected Arab States E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.8 The study concluded that issues pertaining to women, peace, and security were addressed through a legislative framework in the examined countries. Nevertheless, this framework lacked key... |
The social and economic situation of Palestinian women and girls (July 2012-June 2014) E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/TECHNICAL PAPER.2 The present report reviews the status of women and girls in Palestine over the period July 2012 - June 2014, outlining positive developments in and significant challenges for gender equality. The... |
The Arab Consolidated Report on Progress Achieved in the implementation of the BPFA: Beijing +20 E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/Technical Paper.1 The report reviews progress achieved in the Arab region in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, twenty years after their adoption at the Fourth World Conference... |
Access to Justice for Women and Girls in the Arab Region: From Ratification to Implementation of International Instruments E/ESCWA/ECW/2015/1 Access to justice is not only a right in and of itself, applicable in all contexts and for all people; it is a requisite for the achievement of equality and human rights. Yet Arab women face... |
ESCWA at 40: Working for a Just and Prosperous Arab World E/ESCWA/OES/2014/Booklet.1 This booklet was published on the occasion of ESCWA’s 40th anniversary. It highlights key development challenges in the Arab region, and presents an overview of ESCWA’s work, key achievements and... |
A review of literature on the changing role of the family in care provision in Arab countries E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/WP.1 Arabic (781.07 KB) English (781.07 KB) |
Population and developement report - Issue No. 6 - Development policy implications of age-structural transitions in Arab countries E/ESCWA/SDD/2013/2
Arab countries are currently undergoing profound age-structural transitions which will have significant implications for their development, both in the short and long term. These changes bring... |
ESCWA Annual Report - 2012 E/ESCWA/OES/2013/1 2012 Annual report focuses on ESCWA activities that meet the priority needs of member countries. In addition to undertaking specific projects, ESCWA mobilized a regional knowledge base and... |
Combating Violence against Women in the Arab Region: Multisectoral Efforts E/ESCWA/ECW/2013/3 Violence against women is no more a private matter; it is indeed a global issue to be tackled through appropriate laws, especially in the domestic sphere and in the areas of legal protection for... |