Publication Cover | Title |
Inflation Dynamics in the ESCWA Region: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis E/ESCWA/EDGD/2011/Technical paper.4 The findings of this study are intended to help advance the understanding of the causes of inflation in the ESCWA region. Understanding the causes of inflation is crucial, since the efficiency of... |
Central Bank Independence and its Effect on Inflation Performance in the ESCWA Countries E/ESCWA/EDGD/2011/WP.2 The main objectives of this paper are to measure the central bank independence in the ESCWA countries and to explore its effects on the inflation performance. In section two, the paper reviews... |
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region, 2010-2011 E/ESCWA/EDGD/2011/8 In a very highly volatile and changing scene in the aftermath of the Arab uprising, understanding the present in view of the recent past and projecting the near future is almost an impossible... |