Publication Cover | Title |
Arab Sustainable Development Report 2020 E/ESCWA/SDD/2019/2 Achieving sustainable development in the Arab region faces structural barriers that are often shared among the 22 Arab countries, despite variations in income level, natural resources, and... |
Addressing energy sustainability issues in the buildings sector in the Arab region E/ESCWA/SDPD/2018/TP.5 The report focuses on energy efficiency in the buildings sector as a major opportunity for substantial progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 and provides an evaluation on the... |
Training manual on methodologies for data collection on energy use by the transport sector E/ESCWA/SD/2015/1/Manual The purpose of the manual is to provide a starting point for those in government bodies responsible for planning surveys; create a common understanding of terms and concepts; establish a common... |
Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Energy and Water Sectors in the ESCWA Region E/ESCWA/SDPD/2011/WP.1 Arabic (633.99 KB) English (633.99 KB) |
Improved Energy Efficiency and the Uses of Cleaner Fossil Fuels in Selected Sectors in Certain ESCWA Member Countries, Part I: Improved Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries E/ESCWA/SDPD/2005/1(Part 1) The industrial sector plays a vital role in the national economies of the ESCWA region and consumes some 25 per cent of total energy. This study is the first volume of a two-part study assessing... |