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Arab Sustainable Development Report 2020 cover Arab Sustainable Development Report 2020


Achieving sustainable development in the Arab region faces structural barriers that are often shared among the 22 Arab countries, despite variations in income level, natural resources, and...

Addressing energy sustainability issues in the buildings sector in the Arab region cover Addressing energy sustainability issues in the buildings sector in the Arab region


The report focuses on energy efficiency in the buildings sector as a major opportunity for substantial progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 and provides an evaluation on the...

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Training manual on methodologies for data collection on energy use by the transport sector


The purpose of the manual is to provide a starting point for those in government bodies responsible for planning surveys; create a common understanding of terms and concepts; establish a common...

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Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Energy and Water Sectors in the ESCWA Region


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Improved Energy Efficiency and the Uses of Cleaner Fossil Fuels in Selected Sectors in Certain ESCWA Member Countries, Part I: Improved Energy Efficiency in Energy-Intensive Industries

E/ESCWA/SDPD/2005/1(Part 1)

The industrial sector plays a vital role in the national economies of the ESCWA region and consumes some 25 per cent of total energy. This study is the first volume of a two-part study assessing...