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Decentralization in Iraq: Another perspective cover (Arabic) Decentralization in Iraq: Another perspective


Despite officially adopting a-symmetrical federalism since 2005, Iraq’s state structure has remained high centralized. In light of the emerging consensus that decentralization is imperative for...

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Institutional development and transition: Decentralization in the course of political transformation


Have Arab uprisings opened space for deeper, grassroots-driven decentralization reforms in the region? What are the optimum designs, sequencing and models of decentralization for countries in...

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Administrative Decentralization: Participant’s File

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.4/Add.2

  This document is the participant’s file prepared in the context of the training workshop entitled “Administrative Decentralization”, which included the program of meetings and details on all...

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Administrative Decentralization: Trainer's Guide

E/ESCWA/ECRI/2010/Technical Paper.4/Add.1

 This document is the trainer's guide prepared in the context of the training workshop entitled “Administrative Decentralization”. It contains the agenda and the expected outcomes of each session...

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