Publication Cover | Title |
Status and Prospects of the Arab City: The Reality of the Contradictions and Differences Between Arab Cities. A Critical Vision Against the Backdrop of Selected Urban Patterns E/ESCWA/SDD/2009/8 The Arab cities are experiencing fast transformation in their economic, social and architectural structures. That transformation encompasses many contradictions resulting from internal factors... |
Urbanization and the Changing Character of the Arab City E/ESCWA/SDD/2005/1 Development generates such major forces as rural-urban migration, population growth and socio-economic developments. This study sheds light on the role of these major forces in shaping the... |
“UN4Beirut”: UN staff members unite to help after port explosion Beirut, 12 August 2020 (ESCWA)--“Together, we will make it better…” concluded the invite sent out to launch the “UN4Beirut” campaign on 8 August. UN4Beirut was initiated... |