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Workshop on Development of Gender Indicators in the Arab Countries




The UNESCWA is holding its regional workshop on the Development of Gender Indicators in the Arab Countries, from 1-3 April, 2014, in Istanbul, Turkey.

The meeting is directed at middle and high level experts on gender statistics from the national statistical offices and women machineries/planning ministry.



The workshop will discuss:

• Good national practices specifically addressing data gaps related to production of gender statistics with the use of existing data collection instruments and relevant data available in countries, and good national practices in monitoring gender equality and women empowerment policies
• Tier I - Framework for the Arab minimum core set of regional gender indicators for monitoring and reporting
• Tier II –Additional supporting available gender indicators
• Tier III – List of unavailable indicators needed for policy monitoring

Objectives of the workshop:
The development of a regional framework for a core set of gender indicators and raise awareness among national stakeholders about the importance of gender statistics in policy-making
Expectations of the Workshop:
1-        Finalizing the regional minimum set of gender indicators  (Tier I);
2-        Finalizing the regional  minimum set of not computed available indicators  (Tier II);
3-        Finalizing the regional minimum set of unavailable indicators as priority to be included in future plans (Tier III);
4-         The exchange of knowledge about set of good practices for the development of gender statistics and its use in policies' monitoring