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Virtual Expert Group Meeting on: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Work in Arab countries

Online: Microsoft Teams

The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) conducted an Expert Group Meeting on the Future of Work in Arab countries on 12 December 2020.

The meeting aimed to discuss with regional and international experts the proposed methodological framework used to build ESCWA’s Job Monitor, to inform the final version of the monitor and  propose a roadmap to improve the framework in its final format.

The meeting also included a tour of ESCWA’s demo web application, displaying some analysis on the collected data and showing the different parts of its infrastructure.

The meeting included two sessions. The first session featured presentations on: representation and limitations of data coverage; job monitor methodology on skill extraction; and EMSI approach for skills extraction and classification. The second session featured presentations on: job monitor technical aspects and demo; job monitor backend and infrastructure; and job monitor core engine and live demo.


Meeting Details