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Third Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in Arab Countries

Beirut, Lebanon

Regional Meeting on the Third Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in Arab Countries: Achievements and Future Prospects

The regional meeting aimed at:

  • Reviewing the progress made by ESCWA member countries in the implementation of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (2002) (MIPAA) and identifying the main challenges, opportunities and issues of priority for the region that will guide work on ageing in the short to medium term; and
  • Agreeing on the key regional messages and recommendations emanating from the findings of the Third Review exercise and the meeting discussions to serve as a framework to support member countries in addressing key challenges to the implementation of MIPAA and promote ageing in dignity.

 The key findings of the meeting will inform the input to the Secretary General’s report prepared for the Third Global Review and Appraisal of MIPAA that will take place in 2018. 
Participants included the officially nominated national focal points for the Third MIPAA Review along with civil society organizations focusing on issues of concern to older persons and experts in the field of ageing and older persons.  A representative from the United Nations Population Fund / Regional Office for Arab States also participated in the meeting.