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Sendai Framework Monitoring and National Disaster Loss Accounting System and Linkage of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for Iraq

Beirut, Lebanon
Event Type: 

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA), and in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) Organized the “National Workshop on Sendai Framework Monitor and National Disaster Loss Accounting System and Linkage of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for Iraq” from 18 to 21 December 2018, in Beirut.

The main objectives of this workshop include: 
  • Enhance understanding of the interlinkages among the Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Present the latest climate change projections for extreme events for Iraq based on RICCAR outputs
  • Advocate the importance of DRR governance and putting in place sound institutional arrangements to support DRR efforts at country level;
  • Encourage the accelerated achievement of Target E through better understanding of how to align national strategies to the 10 key elements of Sendai Framework.
  • Deepen knowledge of the importance of monitoring the implementation of Sendai Framework and using the Sendai Framework Monitor;
  • Deepen knowledge of the new Disaster Loss Accounting System (DesInventar-Sendai) and its importance in establishing the baseline for post-2015 monitoring of Sendai Framework implementation.
  • Train participants on collecting and registering information methodically and rigorously.
  • Train national institutions in the implementation of the national database and promote synergies among them for data collection and data sharing purposes.
  • Strengthen the capacities for developing temporal, spatial and event analysis based on the DesInventar methodology.
The Workshop was attended by 16 senior experts from 11 different institutions and ministries (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Oil, Ministry of Construction and Housing, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Electricity, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Interior). One of the participants from the Ministry of Environment was also the focal for climate change and vulnerability assessment. This group of experts represents part of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Committee of Iraq which is mandated to cope with Disaster Risk assessment, preparedness and recovery plans.