From plan to implementation for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: Budgeting in support of effective institutions
There has been substantial debate at global, regional and national levels on how budget processes can support national institutions to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through their relations to the institutional principles highlighted in SDG 16, including effectiveness, accountability, transparency, anti-corruption, access to information, inclusive decision-making and non-discrimination. To formulate lessons learned on effective budgeting for national development planning and in support of implementing Agenda 2030 as well as to carve out ideas and recommendations specific to the Arab region, the expert group meeting brings together a range of international experts and stakeholders.
The primary objectives of the meeting are:
- To serve as a complement and follow-up to the first regional meeting of project focal points in September 2018 during which participants identified problems with budget formulation and allocation as a main concern for effective implementation of national development plans;
- To review international expertise and knowledge in terms of (i) the main (recent) current of thoughts and initiatives going on in relation to the principle in question in terms of planning and budgeting; (ii) known results/ evaluations of various institutional approaches; and (iii) challenges, limitations and possible developments at the global level;
- To draw out lessons learned and specific guidance/recommendations for policy-makers in the Arab region by consolidating the discussion after the meeting into a summary paper on key lessons learned for budgeting and planning in support of effective institutions that serves as regionally-tailored addition to the World Public Sector Report 2019.