Mainstreaming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Agriculture Strategy and Food Security Priorities in Jordan
Mainstreaming SDGs into national policies requires designing institutional based and process oriented frameworks that help stakeholders to define gaps and prioritize actions to achieve positive change right across the 2030 Agenda. Agriculture and food sectors are main contributors to several SDGs with numerous targets. Sustainable agriculture and nutritious food drive economic growth and healthy life mainly in rural areas, protect natural assets, and offer inclusive livelihoods for vulnerable communities. Population increase, limited natural resources, and low resiliency of current agriculture systems in developing countries urge policy makers to adapt food systems and design context based resilient agriculture strategies that help reducing poverty and hunger.
Jordan, with extremely limited and scarce natural resources, faces enormous challenges in achieving a progress in SDGs related to sustainable agriculture and food security. MOA is working to develop a frame that shows how its 2016-2025 strategy is contributing to the achievement of SDGs and improvement of food security situation.
Within the above background, ESCWA and The Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture in close collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC) is organizing a capacity building workshop during 10-11 December in Amman, Jordan. The aim of this workshop is to discuss action plans and provide guidance on mainstreaming SDGs into Jordan’s national agriculture and food security policies based on a theoretical and an empirical overview that helps the MOA to structure and articulate positive change that could be achieved under specific SDGs’ goals and targets.
The discussions will produce key messages with clear orientations on how the agriculture strategy and food security priorities are contributing on the short and medium terms to the achievement of priority and specific SDGs’ goals and targets in Jordan. Participants will be able to unify and centralize the process and methods of progress measurements and give recommendations for stakeholders on joint programming and implementation.