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The Regional training workshop to improve use of existing data for monitoring gender equality and women’s empowerment

Amman, Jordan
Event Type: 

The Regional training workshop aims to improve technical capabilities in using gender statistics to monitor SDG Tier I and II gender indicators and in disseminating, communicating and using statistics and indicators. ESCWA certified trainers from the countries attending ESCWA first Training of Trainers in the Dead Sea in 2016 will collaborate to present their localized modules of the Gender Statistics Toolkit, share their action plans and progress in rolling-out the national Programmes on Gender Statistics including progress made on the e-learning tool developed by ESCWA.

The workshop will cover topics such as: integrating a gender perspective into official statistics; presenting, disseminating and communicating gender statistics; and improving gender statistics literacy among data users. The expected outcome of the workshop will assist countries in their efforts to mainstream gender into their national statistical systems, which will result in improved availability and use of gender statistics at the national, regional and international levels for better evidence-based gender policies.

Country Action Plans: progress and challenges