Fourteen Iraqi Civil Servants Complete Training to Upgrade Management Skills
Attending a two-week training course at UNESCWA, fourteen staff members from the Iraqi Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation (MoPDC) were trained on management topics that included strategic planning, change management, leadership, time management. This training formed the third and final training module implemented by UNESCWA on behalf of UNDP as part of its comprehensive support project for the benefit of the MoPDC. The training was conducted together with the International Management and Training Institute -IMTI ( UNESCWA and UN experts briefed the trainees on the challenges Iraq faces to join the WTO as well as introducing experiences of UNESCWA member countries on this issue, E-government initiatives, UN Online Network for Public Administration and Finance (UNPAN). A session on the UNDP Program on Governance in the Arab Region (POGAR) discussed the promotion and development of good governance practices and related reforms in the Arab states. The participants also visited several Lebanese institutions to get exposed to local experiences in public sector reform and the introduction of modern management practices.