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Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development, 9th session

Amman, Jordan

The Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) held its ninth meeting in Amman on 7 and 8 April 2015.

The Committee considered the following items on its agenda: (a) review of action taken in the field of financing for development under the ESCWA programme of work since the eighth session of the Committee; (b) proposed programme of work for the biennium 2016-2017 in the field of financing for development; (c) sustainable development: financing gap in the Arab region; (d) workers’ remittances as a source of financing for development; (e) innovative sources of financing for development; (f) the role of Arab funds in financing for development; (g) the ESCWA document on the Arab position in preparation for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development; (h) date and venue of the eleventh session of the Committee; (i) other matters; (j) adoption of the
recommendations made by the Committee at its ninth meeting.