EGM on Development Under Crisis Conditions
The Expert Group Meeting on “Development Under Crisis Conditions” (Beirut, 27-28 June 2006) aimed at reaching a common understanding of the impact of conflict on socio-economic and political development in the region. It also sought to identify means of assisting member states in pursuing their Millennium Development Goals despite instability and political volatility. The meeting examined comparative experiences with development implementation under crisis conditions in three locales: Iraq, the Palestinian Territories, and Lebanon. Participants made a number of recommendations to pertinent stakeholders, concerned states, and to ESCWA. They underscored the need for a long-term sustainable development strategy despite crisis conditions, one that privileges institution building, good governance, and the development of citizenship participatory norms. ESCWA was invited to play a mediating role in this process, especially in coordinating the efforts of different international and local regional organizations involved in development activity under crisis conditions. The attached report summarizes the main debates and concerns raised by experts in, and practitioners of, development under crisis in a variety of contexts. Albeit not comprehensive, it aims at conveying the plethora of strategies and recommendations advanced during the EGM for coping with the challenges of practicing development under crisis conditions.