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Information Society Measurement : Core Indicators, Statistics, and Data Collection – ICT Indicators in Education and E-Government


The lack of a comprehensive comparable set of information and communications technology ‎‎(ICT) indicators poses a major obstacle to strategic decision-making, for instance in identifying ‎priority areas of policy action, assessing and revising ICT strategies, allocating resources, monitoring ‎progress, evaluating impacts, and benchmarking national/regional/global development of the ‎information society. In recognition of that, the “Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development” ‎developed a list of core ICT indicators through an intensive global stocktaking process.‎ ‎ The ‎Partnership list is comprised of forty-two core ICT indicators under four categories: (a) ICT ‎infrastructure and access, (b) access to, and use of, ICT by households and individuals, (c) use of ICT ‎by businesses, and (d) ICT sector and trade in ICT goods.‎ ‎ The agreed-upon list was recognized at the ‎‎36th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, held in New York, during 1-4 March 2005. ‎However, the list was not intended to be a final list, as it does not cover all vital sectors of the ‎information society;‎ ‎ hence, the focus of the EGM on core indicators for use of ICT in education and ‎literacy and e-government readiness, as well as fostering the adoption and collection of data for these ‎indicators in Western Asia and the Arab region.‎

1. Event details
2. ICT and Education Policy: Perspectives on the need and ‎relevance of indicators on ICT use in education
4. Country experiences in collecting ICT and education data ‎with specific focus on issues such as sampling, design, ‎etc
5. Analysis and use of ICT data for making needs based ‎policies on the effective use of technologies for education
6. International, regional, and country experiences in ‎collecting e-government related ICT data
7. Conceptual framework for a regional report on e-‎government readiness in the Arab states
8. Final report