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Technical Committee, 3rd Meeting


The Technical Committee was established pursuant to the decision of the Commission at its twenty-fourth session and with the aim of enhancing interaction and close consultation between the members of the Commission and its secretariat on substantive development issues. The sessions of the Technical Committee are held every six months, starting January 2008, and its membership comprises high-level senior officials designated by the member governments of the Commission.
The Technical Committee provides advice and assistance to the secretariat in: (a)      drawing up proposals for the strategic framework, the programme of work and priorities, consistent with guidance provided by the Commission; (b) following up on the implementation of Commission resolutions and any other outstanding matters that require action; (c) following up the implementation of the programme of work and activities of the Commission, including the mobilization of extra-budgetary resources to support their implementation; and (d) identifying emerging economic and social issues and other relevant priority issues for incorporation into the provisional agendas of the Commission sessions and the subsidiary intergovernmental Committees. The Technical Committee           is also required to carry out any other tasks entrusted to it by the Commission.
1. Event Details
2. Official Documents
3.Final report