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The 25th RCM and R-UNSDG

Beirut, Lebanon

The Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) and Regional United Nations Sustainable Development Group (R-UNSDG) meeting is held on 7-8 April 2019 in Beirut, with the R-UNSDG segment taking place on 7 April (all day) and the RCM segment on 8 April (afternoon only).  The meeting is followed by the 2019 Arab Forum on Sustainable Development between 9 and 11 April.

Chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Amina Mohamed, the RCM provides UN Agencies and key partners in the Arab region with a forum to discuss common development priorities, approaches and opportunities for collaboration.  This year’s deliberations will include a session on Regional UN Development System Reform, led by Ms. Mohammed, as well as an opportunity to explore the outcomes of recent political, economic and social development Summits of the League of Arab States. The RCM will also prioritize the review of progress of the newly-established inter-agency Working Group on Financing for Development, and the work done by the SDG Data Taskforce on identifying data gaps and advancing coordination in data collection and data sharing.

The R-UNSDG provides leadership support and strategic policy guidance to Resident Coordinators (RCs) and UN Country Teams (UNCTs) to deliver a more coherent, effective and efficient value proposition to Member States in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The R-UNSDG meeting is an important forum for UN entities to discuss key priorities and opportunities for collaboration in providing strategic guidance, policy advice and technical support to UNCTs.   The April 2019 meeting includes a dedicated discussion on UN programming in Palestine, updates on UN Development System reform as well as key UN initiatives for 2019.


Logisitics Note

List of Hotels


Draft Agenda - 25th RCM

24th RCM meeting - Final report

Outcome Document of LAS Summit (Beirut Declaration)




Draft Agenda - R-UNSDG

Operational Framework for Collaboration between the RCM and R-UNSDG for Arab States

Explanatory Note - The UNDS revamped regional  approach

Palestine - UNDAF 2018-2022

Regional Review - ToR - Final Draft

Regional UNSDG | Arab States/Middle East and North Africa 2018 - Summary Report

Discussion Paper on Regional Working Groups- RCM and Regional UNSDG for Arab States

Migration and the 2030 Agenda (IOM)

Regional Gender Theme Group - 2019 Scope of Work

Findings of the analysis of existing documents on regional shared and cross-border challenges