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1st Meeting of the Thematic Working Group on the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab Region (TWG on Arab MDGs)

The Thematic Working Group (TWG) on the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab Region MDGs was established pursuant to the decisions of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM)[1] taken at its 12th meeting held in Beirut on 13-14 September 2008. The 12th RCM agreed on "the establishment of three proposed thematic working groups (TWGs), subsidiary to RCM, focusing on MDGs in the Arab region, climate change[2], and food security[3], respectively[4]."
The 12th RCM designated ESCWA to be the "convening entity" of the TWG on MDGs in the Arab Region. The 12th RCM also agreed that follow-up actions were needed, as follows:
(a)   A draft action plan for the TWG shall be prepared on potential areas for collaboration;
(b)   Date, venue and agenda of the first meeting should be set and announced to all entities having expressed an interest in joining TWG.
[1] The Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), formerly known as the "Regional Coordination Group (RCG)", was established pursuant to ECOSOC Resolution 1998/46, which recognized that "The team leadership role of Regional Commissions calls for their holding regular inter-agency meetings in each region with a view to improving coordination among the work programmes of the organizations of United Nations system in that region".  ESCWA has been holding RCM meetings since 1999.
[2] TWG on climate change convened by UNEP-ROWA has agreed on the TOR (1st meeting, Cairo, 26 November 2008) 
[3] TWG on food security convened by FAO in cooperation with the World Bank
[4] United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, "Report of the Twelfth Meeting of the Regional Coordination Mechanism, Beirut, 13-14 September 2008", E/ESCWA/OES/RCM.12/3  
A. Meeting Details