Committee on Energy, 10th Session
The session agenda contained several priority topics, including follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee on Energy at its ninth session; progress made in the implementation of energy-related activities under the ESCWA programme of work between the ninth and tenth sessions of the Committee; sustainable energy in the Arab region, especially energy security and regional integration, technology adaptation policy and potential for local manufacturing of adequate renewable energy equipment and a regional agenda for the implementation of the United Nations Decade on Sustainable Energy for All; and natural resources management for sustainable development, including the post-2015 development agenda from the perspective of the Arab region and the energywater- food nexus in the Arab region.
Participants reviewed the proposed ESCWA programme of work for the biennium 2016-2017 in the field of energy, tackled fluctuations in the global prices of oil and natural gas and their implications for energy management in the Arab region and discussed a presentation on scaling up energy efficiency projects in the region. The Committee issued recommendations, some for implementation by the ESCWA secretariat and others by member States.