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AWARENET Webinar Series on Groundwater Management in IWRM

Online Webinar
Event Type: 

ESCWA is organizing a series of training webinar on Groundwater Management in Intergrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The training is the culmination of collaborative efforts by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, the Arab Integrated Water Resources Management Network (AWARENET) and the International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Mangement (Cap-Net). 
The aim of the training is to improve knowledge and enhance understanding of the complex nature and intersectoral challenges facing sustainable groundwater governance and management in the Arab region. The training manual will be delivered through 11 interlinked and complementary modules that explore tools and mechanisms for groundwater management such as institutional arrangements and legislative frameworks as well as groundwater allocation considerations and the use of economic and financial tools for that purpose. The impact of climate change on groundwater resources is examined and the potential of information and communication technology in managing groundwater resources is demonstrated as well. Detailed information on the modules content and schedule of delivery can be found in the attached flyer.

Registration for one or more modules is available via the following link