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General Assembly Resolutions

Publication Cover Title
Violence against women migrant workers

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women

Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly

Proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding

Follow-up to the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond

Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing

Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities

Policies and programmes involving youth

Assistance to the Palestinian people

Support by the United Nations system of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies

High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation

Climate change and its possible security implications

Organization of the United Nations conference at the highest level on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development

Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010

International migration and development

Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and / or Desertification, Particularly in Africa

Natural disasters and vulnerability

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction

Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
