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Brainstorming Session on the Impact of Conflict-Driven Displacement in the ESCWA Region


Gender-Based Violence in Emergency Settings

The ESCWA Staff Council and the ESCWA Centre for Women (ECW) conducted a panel discussion as part of ESCWA Gender Discussion Series (GDS).

This session focused on Gender-Based Violence in...

"The Challenges of Ethno-Sectarian Tensions in a Post-Conflict Setting: The Way Forward" - A Brainstorming Session

ESCWA's Section for Emerging and Conflict Related Issues (ECRI) and Heinrich Boell Foundation are holding a brainstorming session entitled "The Challenges of Ethno-Sectarian Tensions in...
Civic Values and Life Skills for Adolescents thru Education Project in Iraq: 4th Steering Committee Coordination Meeting

Brainstorming session on rehabilitating the Iraqi construction sector

With the participation of 18 contributors from Lebanon, Iraq and the region, the objective of the session was to formulate a strategy to enhance the active involvement of the domestic...

Civil Values and Life Skills for Adolescents through Education Project: Second Task Force Meeting

Consultative Meeting for the Situation Analysis of the Iraqi Public Sector

Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (MMPW) Project - Seminar on Financial Management and Internal Audit...

Consultative Meeting of Specialists and Organizations Studying Ethno-Sectarian Tensions in the Arab World

Consultative Meeting on UN-ESCWA project entitled: "Reducing Ethno-Sectarian Tensions in the Arab Region: Towards a Homegrown Response"

ICT in Education for Iraq Project: Final Coordination Meeting

Management of Services Provision under Crisis Conditions in Iraq: Municipal Service Delivery Case

Management of Services Provision under Crisis Conditions in Iraq: Sanitation Delivery Case

Management of Services Provision under Crisis Conditions in Iraq: Water Delivery Case

Meeting of the Advisory Group for the Preparation of Arab-International Forum on Rehabilitation and Development of Occupied Palestinian Territory

Meeting on the Framework for Management Development in Iraq

As part of the "Capacity Building of the Iraqi Public Sector Management" project, implemented in partnership with UNDP Iraq, ESCWA will hold a Meeting on the Framework for Management Development...

Sixth International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development (in cooperation with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)

Telecommunications Conference on Iraq: Opportunities in Developing Iraqi Telecom Sector

Yemen's Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

Constitutional Meeting for The Coalition of Arab-Palestinian Civil Society Organizations

The Arab-International Forum on Rehabilitation and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Towards an Independent State (Beirut, 11-14 October 2004) launched a multilateral process to...

High-level Meeting on Reform and Transition to Democracy

